Beenleigh RSL is a part of the hospitality industry.
There are many policies, procedures, regulations and legislations that
must be adhered to comply within the guidelines of the following institutions:

  • OLGR – Office of Liquor and Gaming
  • Licensing Laws
  • WPH&S – Workplace Health and Safety
  • Whistle Blower
  • Fire & Rescue service
  • House policies to ensure the above are implemented correctly
  • AML/CTF – Anti-Money Laundering Counter Tourism Finance Act 2008
  • RSA – Responsible Service of Alcohol
  • RSG – Responsible Service of Gambling

Dress Code

Beenleigh RSL & Golf Club prides itself on offering a safe and comfortable environment for all our patrons. For the enjoyment of all, the following are not permitted to be worn:

  • Gym / exercise gear
  • Torn or soiled clothing
  • Singlets or sleeveless shirts for men
  • Swimwear
  • Provocative clothing or/and slogans
  • Bare feet
  • Hats or headwear are not permitted (exceptions for medical or religious grounds or dress hats^)
  • Thongs and work wear are not permitted after 7pm*


^ dress hats and theme dress up are permitted on special events such as Melbourne Cup and Australia Day
* except Anzac Day, where the evening dress code applies from 5pm

Managements decision shall be final and no further discussions will be entered into.